debit (anonymous digital cash model, stored in PC ,needed to be loaded from bank before shopping) Zero. However merchant pays 2-3% of transaction and $5-25 a month for license.

credit/debit (club model, acts as a gate to bank systems, uses credit card networks/ /CyberCoin - micropayment subsystem) Zero (for buyer) + usial cost of credit card using (about 20 cents and 2% of transaction. CyberCoin - Zero

credit/debit (club model, acts as a gate to bank systems, uses credit card networks and micropayment coin model subsystem) There are different schemes, setting differnts costs for transaction (average is about 30-40 cents per transaction)

credit (club model, acts as a gate to credit card networks, can accumulate small payments and, thus decreases expenses for using of credit network) 20 cennts + 3% per transaction (maybe for few purchases if accumulated). Merchant pays $10 for opening of an account.

credit (club model, acts as a gate to credit card networks) 29 cents + 2% per transaction. Merchant pays $10 and buyer pays $2 for registration.

debit (Buyer pays with coupons bought from NetCash) Both merchant and buyer pay 2% per transaction ($2 and $4 miminum), when exchange coupons for cash. Merchant pays $19.95 for registration.

debit (practically payment is made by NetChex (on the client behalf) with clients checks) Zero for buyer. merchant pays $10 a month and 2-3% of transaction.

debit (Payment is made with previously deposited at NetBill cash) Zero for buyer. merchant pays 2-3% of transaction and 2-5 cents per transaction.

debit (anonymous digital cash model, stored in smart card ,needed to be loaded from bank before shopping) Zero. (Small fee for card issuing is defined by bank .)

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